Waikawa Beach Vehicle Access

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Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach.

Historically vehicle access to the beach has been through private land located at the end of Manga Pirau Street, although this is currently closed due to ongoing challenges such as the shifting course of the Waikawa Stream, erosion, and storm events.

Past management efforts, including stream ‘cuts’ by Horizons Regional Council have historically addressed these concerns. However, the consent for these remedial efforts expired in 2020.

In its 2021-41 Long Term Plan, Council allocated funds to explore vehicle access options to Waikawa Beach. Five potential options were assessed for their geomorphological, environmental, and financial impacts. The findings were presented at a Council meeting on 11 October 2023. Council heard from members of the public who expressed both support and opposition for the establishment of a vehicle access point. The diverse perspectives voiced during the meeting highlighted the complexity of the issue and the need to consult with the community further.

We’d like to thank you for your patience as we seek the views of the Waikawa Beach community through this consultation process and work to find a solution that considers these views alongside the guidance provided by independent consultants. While we understand it may be frustrating for some, it’s important that we don’t undermine the consultation process by creating temporary vehicle access ahead of the consultation deliberations.

Proposed options for vehicle access to Waikawa Beach

Council resolved to consult on the three proposed options below.


Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance without application for river training.


Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance with application for river training.


Council will not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. However, it will continue to support pedestrian access through established pathways on publicly owned land.


Ecological ImpactSome disturbance on ecological life due to more vehicles on the beach and the establishment and maintenance of the access.Med-high impact on ecological life due to the methods used to re-establish access, more vehicles on the beach and the establishment and maintenance of the access.

Reduce vehicle-related impact on ecological life due to a reduction in the number of vehicles on the beach.

Geomorphology ImpactSubject to ongoing erosion and washouts causing temporary or long-term closure of the access until the Stream naturally returns.Subject to ongoing erosion and washouts but with the ability to re-establish access if the Stream doesn't naturally return itself.

Reduction in vehicle-related erosion.

Planning RequirementsA resource consent will be required for establishment and maintenance of vehicle access.Two resource consents required for the establishment and maintenance of vehicle access; and for river cutting.-
Indicative Cost

Includes estimated cost of resource consent, construction of access.

Does not factor cost of lease agreement and ongoing maintenance.

Includes estimated cost of construction of access, resource consent for access, resource consent for river training estimated at $100,000-$200,000 - may include river cut, Groynes, and planting.
Does not factor cost of lease agreement and ongoing maintenance.
No cost

Feedback closed

Feedback closed at 4pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.

Horowhenua District Council is seeking your feedback on three proposed options for vehicle access at Waikawa Beach.

Historically vehicle access to the beach has been through private land located at the end of Manga Pirau Street, although this is currently closed due to ongoing challenges such as the shifting course of the Waikawa Stream, erosion, and storm events.

Past management efforts, including stream ‘cuts’ by Horizons Regional Council have historically addressed these concerns. However, the consent for these remedial efforts expired in 2020.

In its 2021-41 Long Term Plan, Council allocated funds to explore vehicle access options to Waikawa Beach. Five potential options were assessed for their geomorphological, environmental, and financial impacts. The findings were presented at a Council meeting on 11 October 2023. Council heard from members of the public who expressed both support and opposition for the establishment of a vehicle access point. The diverse perspectives voiced during the meeting highlighted the complexity of the issue and the need to consult with the community further.

We’d like to thank you for your patience as we seek the views of the Waikawa Beach community through this consultation process and work to find a solution that considers these views alongside the guidance provided by independent consultants. While we understand it may be frustrating for some, it’s important that we don’t undermine the consultation process by creating temporary vehicle access ahead of the consultation deliberations.

Proposed options for vehicle access to Waikawa Beach

Council resolved to consult on the three proposed options below.


Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance without application for river training.


Use the current access located at the end of Manga Pirau Street. Establish a lease agreement between Council and the landowners, and provision of maintenance with application for river training.


Council will not facilitate vehicle access to Waikawa Beach. However, it will continue to support pedestrian access through established pathways on publicly owned land.


Ecological ImpactSome disturbance on ecological life due to more vehicles on the beach and the establishment and maintenance of the access.Med-high impact on ecological life due to the methods used to re-establish access, more vehicles on the beach and the establishment and maintenance of the access.

Reduce vehicle-related impact on ecological life due to a reduction in the number of vehicles on the beach.

Geomorphology ImpactSubject to ongoing erosion and washouts causing temporary or long-term closure of the access until the Stream naturally returns.Subject to ongoing erosion and washouts but with the ability to re-establish access if the Stream doesn't naturally return itself.

Reduction in vehicle-related erosion.

Planning RequirementsA resource consent will be required for establishment and maintenance of vehicle access.Two resource consents required for the establishment and maintenance of vehicle access; and for river cutting.-
Indicative Cost

Includes estimated cost of resource consent, construction of access.

Does not factor cost of lease agreement and ongoing maintenance.

Includes estimated cost of construction of access, resource consent for access, resource consent for river training estimated at $100,000-$200,000 - may include river cut, Groynes, and planting.
Does not factor cost of lease agreement and ongoing maintenance.
No cost

Feedback closed

Feedback closed at 4pm on Tuesday, 20 February 2024.

Page last updated: 20 Feb 2024, 02:11 PM