Why have Council not established a temporary vehicle access in the meantime?

    Council understands and appreciates that many members of the community want Council to urgently achieve access to the beach. However, we also know that many members of the community do not support an access way. We cannot compromise our consultation process by going ahead and providing access, noting that even if we wanted to we do not have the funding or resource consent to do so at this stage. 

    Equally important is the need to discourage any actions by members of the public. As a Council, we have a duty of care under the Resource Management Act and cannot endorse actions in breach of this legislation. In the event of a breach, we may be obligated to conduct an investigation.

    The initial petition to Council requested a vehicular access via Council-owned land at Ray MacKay Grove. Why is this not included in the consultation?

    Council officers and external experts investigated this option and identified that it was highly unpractical.

    The initial request to Council included the provision of equestrian access to the beach which is not mentioned at all. Why?

    At this stage equestrian access is covered under vehicle access.

    What happens with my feedback?

    The feedback received will be presented to Council and help them to make an informed decision on the future of the vehicle access at Waikawa Beach.